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  • Writer's pictureEd Timings

How we speak to ourselves

Neon sign saying an inspiring quote

Mindpower was a book written some time ago that really explained how important your first thought is every day. That first thing you put into your head, and I think we can expand on that. I think also important is the last thing that you say to yourself as you go to bed.

Looking even further what is the first thing you say to someone else that you meet and the last thing because when you meet people, they're always going to remember what the initial conversation went like and going to end remember how it ended and all the stuff in between often gets lost in translation no matter how interesting you think you are.

So, whether it's just you are talking yourself or talking with others the first and last thing you say sets the scene for the whole day. It influences what you do and how you do it and it's essential to living a better life.

Today’s Challenge: make sure that the first thing you say to yourself, and the last thing is recorded and acted upon and see how your day changes.

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